受邀参加 MSRC's Researcher Celebration at Black Hat USA 2023

在2023年7月11日,受邀参加 MSRC’s Researcher Celebration at Black Hat USA 2022。


· When: Thursday, August 10th, 2023, from 5PM to 10PM

· Where: Retro by Voltaggio, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

· Who is the event for: MSRC’s Most Valuable Researchers (MVRs) and alumni, researchers with active and recent MSRC cases, MSRC strategic partners, and members of the security research community.

· Can I have a +1? We’d love to be introduced to new researchers and potential partners however space is limited. To request a +1 please email bluehat@microsoft.com with the name, email address and brief justification for why your +1 would be a good fit for this event. Please ensure the person you wish to nominate has given you permission to share their details with us.

· I’m not attending Black Hat or DEF CON, can I give my invitation to another researcher? Tickets are non-transferable, however If you have a colleague or friend you would like to nominate for a ticket to this event, please send an email to bluehat@microsoft.com with the name, email address and brief justification for why this person would be a good fit for this event and we’ll do our best to accommodate. Please ensure the person you wish to nominate has given you permission to share their details with us.

· Will Microsoft pay for my flights, accommodation, or travel visa etc. to attend this event? No. This event is intended for individuals who will already be in Las Vegas on August 10, 2023, for “Hacker Summer Camp” (Black Hat, DEF CON, B-Sides, Diana Initiative, Squad Con etc.).

For all other questions please contact bluehat@microsoft.com

Xiang Li
Xiang Li
Associate Professor (Nankai University)

Xiang Li is an Associate Professor at the College of Cyber Science, Nankai University. His research interests include network security, protocol security, IPv6 security, DNS security, Internet measurement, network & protocol fuzzing, network vulnerability discovery & attack, and underground economy with 18 research papers. As the first author, he has published many research papers at all top-tier security conferences, including Oakland S&P, USENIX Security, CCS, NDSS, and Black Hat (Asia, USA, and Europe). He applied for 11 patents (1 authorized and 5 in checking as the first author). He has obtained over 200 CVE/CNVD/CNNVD vulnerability numbers, more than $11,600 rewards, 340+ GitHub stars, multiple CERT reports, 100+ news coverage, and RFC acknowledgement. He got multiple prizes, such as 1st prize of IPv6 Technology Application Innovation Competition, 2nd prize of GeekCon 2023 DAF Contest, National Scholarship, Wang Dazhong Scholarship, Tsinghua Outstanding Scholarship, Outstanding Graduate, and Extraordinary Hacker of GeekCon International 2024.