Xiang Li

Xiang Li

Associate Professor (Nankai University)

Nankai University

College of Cyber Science


Xiang Li is an Associate Professor at the College of Cyber Science, Nankai University. He received his Ph.D. from Network and Information Security Lab (NISL) at Tsinghua University (advised by Professors Qi Li and Haixin Duan) in 2024. He was a visiting scholar at UC Irvine as a project specialist, working with Professor Zhou Li. Additionally, he is the author of the fast IPv6 network device scanner XMap, open-sourced on GitHub (340+ stars). He is also a member of the DataCon Expert Committee. His research interests include network security, protocol security, IPv6 security, DNS security, Internet measurement, network & protocol fuzzing, network vulnerability discovery & attack, and underground economy with 18 research papers. As the first author, he has published many research papers at all top-tier security conferences, including Oakland S&P (2), USENIX Security (1), CCS (1), NDSS (1), and other conferences like DSN. As the corresponding author and co-author, he also published multiple papers in top conferences like USENIX Security, CCS, NDSS, SIGMETRICS, and IMC. He also gets his presentations accepted by top industry security conferences like Black Hat (Asia, USA^2, and Europe). He likes to attend talks and workshops like IDS, OARC, and VehicleSec to share his research. He applied for 11 patents (1 authorized and 5 in checking as the first author). He has obtained over 200 CVE/CNVD/CNNVD vulnerability numbers for a variety of influential IPv6 and DNS vulnerabilities, which have impacted over 20 home router vendors and all DNS implementations and resolver vendors. He received acknowledgements and more than $17,100 rewards from those vendors, like Google, Microsoft, Cloudflare, and Akamai; an Austria government CERT daily report; A Sweden government CERT weekly news; A Bournemouth University (BU) CERT news; 100+ news coverage by media such as BleepingComputer. He is working for the improvement of network protocols (related work has been referenced in RFC). He got multiple prizes, such as 1st prize of IPv6 Technology Application Innovation Competition, 2nd prize of GeekCon 2023 DAF Contest, National Scholarship, Wang Dazhong Scholarship, Tsinghua Outstanding Scholarship, Outstanding Graduate, and Extraordinary Hacker of GeekCon International 2024.

Recent News

  • [07/2024](Activity) Joining Nankai University and being an Associate Professor. New journey!
  • [06/2024](Activity) Graduated from Tsinghua University and got Outstanding Graduate and Ph.D. Thesis, Congrats!
  • [06/2024](Activity) Being a member of the DataCon Expert Committee.
  • [05/2024](Paper) TuDoor Attack accepted by Black Hat USA 2024, Congrats!
  • [05/2024](Activity) Attended GeekCon International 2024 and Got Extraordinary Hacker Honor.
  • [05/2024](Presentation) TuDoor and DNSBomb paper were presented at IEEE S&P 2024 by Fenglu.
  • [05/2024](Activity) Passed my Ph.D. thesis defense, Congrats!
  • Network Security
  • Protocol Security
  • IPv6 Security
  • DNS Security
  • Internet Measurement
  • Network & Protocol Fuzzing
  • Network Vulnerability Discovery & Attack
  • Underground Economy
  • Ph.D. in Cyberspace Security

    2019 -- 2024, Tsinghua University, Advised by Professors Qi Li and Haixin Duan

  • TA for Class "Internet Architecture and Its Security Fundamentals"

    09/2023 -- 01/2024, Tsinghua University

  • TA for Class "Network Protocol Security Design and Analysis"

    09/2023 -- 01/2024, Tsinghua University

  • Visiting Scholar

    11/2022 -- 04/2023, University of California, Irvine

  • B.E. in Information Security / LL.B. (Double Major)

    2015 -- 2019, Nankai University


📑 Publications

  • Publications in total: 17

  • Publications at top-tier security venues (12): S&P (‘24a, ‘24b), NDSS (‘23, ‘24a, ‘24b, ‘24c), USENIX Security (‘23a, ‘23b, ‘24a, ‘24b), CCS (‘23a, ‘23b)

  • Publications at other computer science venues (5): DSN (‘21), VehicleSec (‘23), SIGMETRICS (‘23), IMC (‘23), NDSS Poster (‘24)

  • Publications as the 1st author (6): S&P (‘24a, ‘24b), NDSS (‘23), USENIX Security (‘23), CCS (‘23), DSN (‘21)

  • Publications as the corresponding author (1): USENIX Security (‘24)

  • Publications as the 2nd author (3): SIGMETRICS (‘23), CCS (‘23), NDSS (‘24)

(2024). ResolverFuzz: Automated Discovery of DNS Resolver Vulnerabilities with Query-Response Fuzzing. In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 14–16, 2024. (Acceptance rate: ??%, Acceptance rate in summer: ??%, Acceptance rate in fall: ??%, Acceptance rate in winter: ??%).
* ✉ Both are corresponding authors.
* Presented in SHUZIHUANYU Talk.
* Presented in OARC 42.

PDF Cite Code Project

(2024). Rethinking the Security Threats of Stale DNS Glue Records. In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 14–16, 2024. (Acceptance rate: ??%, Acceptance rate in summer: ??%, Acceptance rate in fall: ??%, Acceptance rate in winter: ??%).

Cite Code Project

(2024). DNSBomb: A New Practical-and-Powerful Pulsing DoS Attack Exploiting DNS Queries-and-Responses. In Oakland S&P ‘24. San Francisco, California, May 20–23, 2024. (Acceptance rate: ??%, Acceptance rate in first cycle: ??%, Acceptance rate in second cycle: ??%, Acceptance rate in third cycle: ??%).
* Presented in GeekCon 2023 (Second Prize).
* 40+ news coverage by media, such as The Hacker News, Cyber Security News, and dns-operation.

PDF Cite Code Project Poster Slides

(2024). TuDoor Attack: Systematically Exploring and Exploiting Logic Vulnerabilities in DNS Response Pre-processing with Malformed Packets. In Oakland S&P ‘24. San Francisco, California, May 20–23, 2024. (Acceptance rate: ??%, Acceptance rate in first cycle: ??%, Acceptance rate in second cycle: ??%, Acceptance rate in third cycle: ??%).
* ✉ Corresponding authors.
* Presented in OARC 42.
* Referenced by RFC 9520: Negative Caching of DNS Resolution Failures.
* Presented in GeekCon 2024 International.

PDF Cite Code Project Poster Slides

(2024). BreakSPF: How Shared Infrastructures Magnify SPF Vulnerabilities Across the Internet. In NDSS ‘24. San Diego, California, 26 February – 1 March, 2024. (Acceptance rate: 104/694=15.0%, Acceptance rate in summer: 41/211=19.4%, Acceptance rate in fall: 63/483=13.0%).

Cite Project

(2024). Poster: ResolverFuzz: Automated Discovery of DNS Resolver Vulnerabilities with Query-Response Fuzzing. In NDSS ‘24. San Diego, California, 26 February – 1 March, 2024. (Acceptance rate: 33/42=78.6%).
* ✉ Both are corresponding authors.
* Presented in SHUZIHUANYU Talk.
* Presented in OARC 42.

PDF Cite Code Project

(2024). ReqsMiner: Automated Discovery of CDN Forwarding Request Inconsistencies with Differential Fuzzing. In NDSS ‘24. San Diego, California, 26 February – 1 March, 2024. (Acceptance rate: 104/694=15.0%, Acceptance rate in summer: 41/211=19.4%, Acceptance rate in fall: 63/483=13.0%).


(2024). Understanding the Implementation and Security Implications of Protective DNS Services. In NDSS ‘24. San Diego, California, 26 February – 1 March, 2024. (Acceptance rate: 104/694=15.0%, Acceptance rate in summer: 41/211=19.4%, Acceptance rate in fall: 63/483=13.0%).

Cite Project

(2023). TsuKing: Coordinating DNS Resolvers and Queries into Potent DoS Amplifiers. In CCS ‘23. Copenhagen, Denmark, November 26–30, 2023. (Acceptance rate: ??%, Acceptance rate in first round: ??%, Acceptance rate in second round: ??%).
* ⓘ Both authors contributed equally to the paper.
* Presented in OARC 41.
* Presented in Black Hat Europe 2023.

PDF Cite Code Project

(2023). Under the Dark: A Systematical Study of Stealthy Mining Pools (Ab)use in the Wild. In CCS ‘23. Copenhagen, Denmark, November 26–30, 2023. (Acceptance rate: ??%, Acceptance rate in first round: ??%, Acceptance rate in second round: ??%).
* ⓘ Both authors contributed equally to the paper.

PDF Cite Code Project

(2023). Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Evaluating the Security Risks of the Undelegated Record on DNS Hosting Services. In IMC ‘23. Montréal, Canada on October 24 - 26, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 52/208=25.0%).

Cite Project

(2023). Temporal CDN-Convex Lens: A CDN-Assisted Practical Pulsing DDoS Attack. In USENIX Security ‘23. Anaheim, California, August 9–11, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 422/1,444=29.2%, Acceptance rate in summer: 91/388=23.5%, Acceptance rate in fall: 155/531=29.2%, Acceptance rate in winter: 176/525=33.5%).

PDF Cite Slides

(2023). The Maginot Line: Attacking the Boundary of DNS Caching Protection. In USENIX Security ‘23. Anaheim, California, August 9–11, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 422/1,444=29.2%, Acceptance rate in summer: 91/388=23.5%, Acceptance rate in fall: 155/531=29.2%, Acceptance rate in winter: 176/525=33.5%).
* Presented in Black Hat USA 2023.
* 60+ news coverage by media such as BleepingComputer and APNIC.
* An Austria government CERT daily report.
* A Sweden government CERT weekly news.
* A Bournemouth University (BU) CERT news.
* Presented in SHUZIHUANYU Talk.
* Presented in KANXUE 2023 SDC.
* Presented in Black Hat Webinar.

PDF Cite Code Project Slides Source Document

(2023). DareShark: Detecting and Measuring Security Risks of Hosting-Based Dangling Domains. In SIGMETRICS ‘23. Orlando, Florida, June 19-23, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 55/342=16.1%, Acceptance rate in summer: 17/93=18.3%, Acceptance rate in fall: 26/119=21.9%, Acceptance rate in winter: 12/130=9.2%).
* Presented in OARC 40.
* Presented in APAC DNS Forum 2023 by Mr Alban KWAN.

PDF Cite Slides

(2023). Demo: Ransom Vehicle through Charging Pile. In VehicleSec 2023. San Diego, California, Feburary 27, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 32/83=36.0% (overall), 20/49=40.8% (regular), 2/6=33.3% (short), 6/16=37.5% (wpi), and 4/12=33.3% (demos/posters)).

PDF Cite Poster Slides

(2023). Ghost Domain Reloaded: Vulnerable Links in Domain Name Delegation and Revocation. In NDSS ‘23. San Diego, California, 27 February – 3 March, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 94/581=16.2%, Acceptance rate in summer: 36/183=19.7%, Acceptance rate in fall: 58/398=14.6%).
* Presented in OARC 39.
* Presented in ICANN DNS Symposium 2022.
* Presented in Black Hat Asia 2023.
* Referenced by RFC Draft: Delegation Revalidation by DNS Resolvers.

PDF Cite Code Project Slides Source Document DOI

(2021). Fast IPv6 Network Periphery Discovery and Security Implications. In DSN ‘21. Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-24, 2021 (Virtually). (Acceptance rate: 48/279=17.2%).
* Presented in 2021 West Lake Cybersecurity Conference: Cyberspace Security Tools Presentation.
* Presented in Pentester Academy TV.
* Referenced by 10+ top-tier security conference papers.
* Supporting one patent CN202110502369.2.

PDF Cite Code Project Slides Video


Projects and Codes

XMap: The Internet Scanner
XMap is a fast network scanner designed for performing Internet-wide IPv6 & IPv4 network research scanning.


🎡 Part of Activities

  • Academic Conferences: DSN (‘21), CCS (‘22), VehicleSec (‘23), NDSS (‘23), USENIX Security (‘23), AEGIS (‘23), IEEE S&P (‘24a, ‘24b)

  • Industrial Conferences: ICANN DNS Symposium (IDS ‘21, ‘22), DNS-OARC (39, 40, 41, 42a, 42b), Black Hat (Asia ‘23, USA ‘23, Europe ‘23, USA ‘24), GeekCon (‘23, ‘24.Intl.), Kanxue SDC (‘23)

GeekCon International 2024
GeekCon International 2024

In GeekCon International 2024, Prof. Duan and me presented the TuDoor attack and showed a live demo. We got the Extraordinary Hacker honor.

45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024 | IEEE S&P 2024
45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024 | IEEE S&P 2024

In 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024, Fenglu presented our novel DNSBomb attack on behalf of me cause I couldn’t make it there.

45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024 | IEEE S&P 2024
45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024 | IEEE S&P 2024

In 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024, Fenglu presented our novel TuDoor attack on behalf of me cause I couldn’t make it there.

GeekCon 2023
GeekCon 2023

In GeekCon 2023, I presented our 0-day vulnerability to conduct pulsing DoS attack with Dashuai. We got the 2nd prize of GeekCon 2023 DAF (Defense & Attack Force) Contest.

SHUZIHUANYU Dajia Talk 2023
SHUZIHUANYU Dajia Talk 2023

In SHUZIHUANYU Dajia Talk 2023 (online class), I presented my MaginotDNS attack.

OARC 41 & ICANN DNS Symposium 2023
OARC 41 & ICANN DNS Symposium 2023

In OARC 41 & ICANN DNS Symposium 2023 (hybrid in-person and online workshop), Fenglu presented our novel TsuKing attack on behalf of me cause I couldn’t make it there.

2nd AEGIS Workshop
2nd AEGIS Workshop

In the 2nd AEGIS Workshop (online workshop), I presented a novel Ghost Domain attack named Phoenix Domain to the audiences.

OARC 40 & NANOG 87 Workshop
OARC 40 & NANOG 87 Workshop

In OARC 40 & NANOG 87 Workshop (hybrid in-person and online workshop), I presented a novel hosting-based domain takeover detection framework DareShark to the audiences.

ICANN DNS Symposium | November 2022
ICANN DNS Symposium | November 2022

In the 5th ICANN DNS Symposium (IDS 2022), I presented my NDSS ‘23 paper Phoenix Domain to the audiences. Discussed with so many enthusiastic question askers.

OARC 39 & 47th CENTR Technical Workshop
OARC 39 & 47th CENTR Technical Workshop

In OARC 39 & 47th CENTR Technical Workshop (hybrid in-person and online workshop), I presented a novel Ghost Domain attack named Phoenix Domain to the audiences.

The Tool Box | XMap
The Tool Box | XMap

In @Pentester Academy TV, I presented the IPv6 network scanner XMap with @DamianGoh13. Watch the video at here. New features are coming.

ICANN DNS Symposium | May 2021
ICANN DNS Symposium | May 2021

In the 4th ICANN DNS Symposium (IDS 2021, virtually), I presented a novel DNS cache poisoning attack (introduced by Xiaofeng Zheng from our lab) to the audiences.

2021 West Lake Cybersecurity Conference: Cyberspace Security Tools Presentation
2021 West Lake Cybersecurity Conference: Cyberspace Security Tools Presentation

In the 2021 West Lake Cybersecurity Conference, I presented the IPv6 network scanner XMap to the audiences.


🏅 Awards

  • Outstanding Graduate of Beijing. 2024
  • Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate of Tsinghua University. 2024
  • Outstanding Graduate of the Institute of Network Science and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University. 2024
  • Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University. 2024
  • Tsinghua Graduate “Qihang” Third Prize. 2024
  • Extraordinary Hacker of GeekCon International 2024. 2024
  • Wang Dazhong Scholarship. 2023
  • The 2nd Prize of GeekCon 2023 DAF Contest. 2023
  • China National Scholarship for Graduate Students. 2023.
  • LongFor Excellent Scholarship. 2023.
  • The 3rd Prize in National IPv6 Technology Application Innovation Competition. 2023.
  • The 1st Prize in IPv6 Technology Application Innovation Competition. 2022.
  • The 3rd Prize in IPv6 Technology Application Innovation Competition. 2022.
  • Tsinghua Outstanding 2rd Scholarship. 2022.
  • Tsinghua Graduate “129” Star. 2020.
  • Outstanding Undergraduate (Tianjin City and Nankai University). 2019.
  • The 3rd Prize in Nankai “Dream+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, 2018.
  • Nankai Gongneng 1st Scholarship. 2018.
  • Cyber Security Scholarship of China Internet Development Foundation. 2018.
  • The 2nd Prize in National College Student Information Security Contest. 2018.
  • Recognition Award in “Qiang Wang Cup” National Network Security Challenge Online Contest. 2018.
  • The 3rd Prize in National Cryptography Contest, 2017.
  • The Leading Academic Student Researcher of School of Computer and Control Engineering, Nankai University, 2017.
  • China National Scholarship. 2017.
  • Nankai Excellent Student. 2017
  • China National Scholarship. 2016.
  • Nankai Excellent Student. 2016
  • Top scorer in science in the college entrance examination of Fang Cheng County. 2015

🔖 Patents

  • An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Domain Deep Analysis Dependency Topology Based on Passive Domain Name Resolution Traffic. 2023. In applying.
  • A Method and System for Tracing IPv6 Honeypot Attacks Based on Multi-Prefix Orchestrable Protocol Responses. 2023. In applying.
  • A Technology and Method for Classification Detection and Handling of Unknown Threats in IPv6 Networks Adapting to Layered Attribute Data. 2023. In checking.
  • A Method for Rapid Exploration of Large IPv6 Network Assets Combining Active and Passive Approaches. 2023. In checking.
  • An Accurate Identification Method for Conditional DNS Resolvers. 2023. In checking.
  • A Domain Cache Injection Technique and Detection Method for Conditional DNS Resolvers. 2023. In checking.
  • A Domain Authorization Consistency Detection Method for DNS Resolvers. 2023. In checking.
  • A Novel Domain Name Generation Algorithm Based on the DNS Resolution Mechanism and Its Detection Method. 2023. In checking.
  • A Fast IPv4 and IPv6 Network Space Probing System Based on Asynchronous Decoupling and Address Randomization Techniques. 2023. In checking.
  • A Combined Passive and Active Approach for Mining Behavior Detection. 2023. In checking.
  • CN202110502369.2: A Fast IPv6 Network Periphery Device Discovery Technique. 2023.


🙋‍♂️ Reviewers

  • ICICS ‘23
  • TDSC ‘23
  • DTRAP ‘23 * 3
  • SCN ‘22

🙋‍♂️ External Reviewers

  • AsiaCCS ‘23
  • ESF Proposal ‘22
  • NDSS ‘22
  • ICDCS ‘21
  • ESORICS ‘20
  • ICPDAS ‘19

🙋‍♂️ Services

  • AEGIS ‘24 Program Co-Chair (3rd AEGIS Symposium on Cyber Security)
  • SecureComm ‘23 Session Chair (couldn’t make it there)
