受邀参加第21届BlueHat 2023


在8月18日,受邀参加第21届BlueHat 2023。

10月 11, 2023 7:00 AM — 10月 12, 2023 11:00 PM
Microsoft Campus

在8月18日,受邀参加第21届BlueHat 2023。


· Simply Applying does not ensure a pass or ticket to the conference: Click the ‘Apply Here!’ link above and complete the application form. If selected after our review, you will receive an email invitation with a unique link to register for the conference.

· Microsoft employees will be assigned to Day 1 or Day 2 of the event. While the agenda is still forthcoming, please indicate your preferred day in the application form. IMPORTANT: While we will do our best, your preferred selection is not guaranteed due to scheduling constraints.

· Applications to attend BlueHat 2023 are open to everyone: Whether from Microsoft or elsewhere, everyone in the fields of security research and response are welcome to submit an application. Microsoft is committed to ensuring a diverse, inclusive, and accessible event. If you have questions or help with your application, please email bluehat23reg@microsoft.com.

· Attendees are responsible for travel and accommodation costs and arrangements: If accepted as an attendee, you will need to arrange and cover your travel and accommodation for the event in Redmond, WA, USA, from Oct 11 – 12, 2023.

· Expect emails from bluehat23reg@microsoft.com. Please monitor your Junk, Clutter, Spam, Other email folders for messages from this address. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the BlueHat planning team at bluehat23reg@microsoft.com.


李想,南开大学副教授,南开大学CTF战队指导老师、ACM会员、CCF会员、中国通讯学会会员、顶会IMC 2025 PC、AsiaCCS 2025 PC。研究方向为网络与协议安全、Web安全、漏洞挖掘等,已发表论文18篇(含一作6篇:在网络安全四大顶会均有发表、通讯1篇、二作3篇),第一发明人授权专利1项及实质审查中5项(共11项),在Black Hat多次分享,获得200+CVE等漏洞编号,370+GitHub stars。研究获得多个政府及大学CERT安全公告、100+媒体报道,并被纳入RFC标准文档。其也获得了多项奖项荣誉,如2024年度ACM SIGSAC中国优博奖、2024年度黑客奥斯卡Pwnie提名奖、IPv6创新大赛一等奖、GeekCon国际安全极客大赛亚军及非凡黑客荣誉称号、王大中奖学金、博士研究生国家奖学金、清华优秀奖学金、优秀博士毕业生等。